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Gdyby nagrali nowy album, odniós"by on wielki sukces.
If Janet should have another baby, she would quit her job + Should Janet have
another baby, she would quit her job.
Gdyby Janet urodzi"a kolejne dziecko, to zrezygnuje z pracy.
If you had heard his passionate words, you would have been fooled yourself. +
Had you heard his passionate words, you would have been fooled yourself.
GdybyÊ s"ysza" jego p"omienne s"owa, sam da"byÊ si´ nabraç.
JeÊli stosujemy inwersj´ w zdaniach warunkowych, nie moÝemy uÝyç przeczenia w formie
Êciàgni´tej i dlatego powiemy:
Had I not been so tired, I wouldn t have slept through the ring.
Gdybym nie by" taki zm´czony, nie przespa"bym dzwonka (telefonu).
Had he not been released from hospital too early, he wouldn t have had
a relapse.
Gdyby nie zwolniono go zbyt wczeÊnie ze szpitala, nie mia"by nawrotu choroby.
Were she not my daughter, I would employ her.
Gdyby nie by"a mojà córkà, zatrudni"abym jà.
If I hadn t been so tired, I wouldn t have slept through the ring.
If he hadn t been released from hospital too early, he wouldn t have had
a relapse.
If she weren t my daughter, I would employ her.
28. WyraÝenia wydrukowane kursywà zastàp innà konstrukcjà.
1. If someone were to use this idea I would raise my eyebrows.
2. If you should find yourself in this situation, what would you do?
3. If it hadn t been for your donation, we wouldn t have been able to finance the project.
4. If she were to work from home, she would never get any work done.
5. If he had been re-elected, he would have reformed the tax system.
6. If the fire had spread to the precious archives, the loss would have been
7. If he hadn t agreed to review this film, he would have stopped watching it after
10 minutes.
8. If he weren t my brother-in-law, I would phone the police.
9. If it hadn t been for the bugs, the truth would have never come out.
10. If you should wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time.
29. Dokonaj inwersji w poniÝszych zdaniach warunkowych.
1. If Hank were to mow the lawn, I will definitely thank him.
2. If he should win the presidential election, we might expect a political earthquake.
3. If Maura should offer me a job, I am going to take it.
4. If Jerry hadn t been irritated, he wouldn t have snapped at you.
5. If you shouldn t be satisfied with our product, let us know within 20 days of purchase.
6. If I had known how long it would take, I would have given it up.
7. If he weren t to continue it, I would be surprised.
S"owa/wyraÝenia wprowadzajàce warunek
Prócz if równieÝ inne s"owa i wyraÝenia mogà byç uÝywane w zdaniach warunkowych.
Do najcz´Êciej spotykanych naleÝà: unless (=if not), provided that/providing/as long as
(=only if), supposing/suppose (=what if), on condition that, in case, in case of,
or else (=if not/otherwise), otherwise (=if not), whether & or (if & or).
All rooms may be taken unless you book ahead.
Wszystkie pokoje mogà byç zaj´te, jeÊli nie dokonasz rezerwacji wczeÊniej.
You can have it in any color you want as long as it s black.
MoÝesz to mieç w kaÝdym kolorze pod warunkiem, Ýe b´dzie czarne.
She won t understand unless you explain it to her.
Ona tego nie zrozumie, jeÊli jej tego nie wyt"umaczysz.
I will pay you well providing that you do a good job.
Zap"ac´ ci dobrze, jeÝeli tylko b´dziesz dobrze pracowaç.
www.WydawnictwoLingo.pl 95
Zdani a war unkowe
You can go to the USA provided that you have a visa.
MoÝesz pojechaç do USA pod warunkiem, Ýe masz wiz´.
In case of emergency contact the security section.
W przypadku awarii skontaktuj si´ z ochronà.
You can have a day off on condition that you finish the report by Monday.
MoÝesz dostaç dzie’ wolny pod warunkiem, Ýe sko’czysz ten raport przed
Supposing/suppose you were in my place, what would you do?
Za"oÝywszy, Ýe by"abyÊ na moim miejscu, co byÊ zrobi"a?
I have to leave now. Otherwise I will miss my bus.
Musz´ juÝ iÊç. W przeciwnym razie spóêni´ si´ na autobus.
I need to drink some coffee or else I will fall asleep.
Musz´ napiç si´ kawy, w przeciwnym razie zasn´.
I will go with you whether you like it or not.
Pójd´ z tobà, czy tego chcesz czy nie.
30. Uzupe"nij zdania odpowiednim s"owem wprowadzajàcym warunek.
1. Tomorrow we will go to a picnic __________ it rains.
2. You don t often talk about children __________ you are a parent.
3. _________ she is lying, what will you do?
4. __________ you have failed again, would you try one more time?
5. Everyone is welcome here __________ they abide by the rules below.
6. I will go for this job __________ I am paid well.
7. I will attend the conference __________ you reimburse me for my travel expenses.
8. Online banking is secure __________ you take precautions.
9. I will record the film __________ you miss it.
10. Wake up, __________ you will be late for school.
11. They will be back tomorrow __________ there is a bus strike.
12. Quit __________ I will fire you.
31. Po"àcz odpowiednie wyraÝenia z kolumny A z wyraÝeniami wzi´tymi z kolumny B
za pomocà wyraÝenia in case.
1. Take a torch a. the weather cools.
2. Pack wind-proof clothes b. you need to treat an injury.
3. Keep this compass c. it rains.
4. Take a raincoat d. mosquitoes are biting.
5. Take a painkiller e. you need to keep warm.
6. Pack insect repellent f. you get a headache.
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