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recreation and amusement
rectitude and delicacy
redeeming and transforming
refined and dignified
refreshing and invigorating
regard and esteem
regret and remorse
regular and symmetrical
rejection and scorn
reliable and trustworthy
relief and redress [redress = set right; remedy]
remarkable and interesting
remorseful and sullen
remote and distant
rend and devastate
repellent and ungracious
repetition and reiteration
repress and silence
repugnance and aversion
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 176
repulsive and loathsome
resentment and indignation
reserve and coyness
resistless and implacable
resolution and effort
resonant and tuneful
resourceful and unscrupulous
respected and obeyed
responsibilities and burdens
restive and bored
restless and impatient
retaliation and revenge
reticence and repose
revered and cherished
reverses and disasters
revised and corrected
revolution and sedition [sedition = insurrection; rebellion]
rhapsodies and panegyrics [panegyrics = elaborate praise]
richness and fertility
ridicule and censure
right and praiseworthy
rigid and inexpressive
ripeness and plenitude
rivals and antagonists
roar and ring
robust and rugged
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 177
rococo and affected [rococo = elaborate ornamentation]
romantic and pathetic
rough and barren
roundabout and complicated
roused and stimulated
rude and fiery
rugged and inaccessible
rumors and impressions
rushing and gurgling
rust and disuse
sad and melancholy
sagacity and virtue [sagacity = farsighted; wise]
sane and simple
sarcastic and cruel
sayings and quibbles
scant and incidental
scattered and desultory [desultory = haphazard; random]
scenes and associations
scholastic and erudite [erudite = learned]
scientific and exact
scintillating and brilliant
scoffing and unbelief
scope and significance
scorched and shriveled
scorn and loathing
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 178
scrupulous and anxious
scrutiny and investigation
searching and irresistible
seared and scorched
secondary and subsidiary
secretive and furtive
sedate and serious
selfish and overbearing
sensational and trivial
senseless and unreasoning
sensibilities and emotions
sensitive and capricious
sententious and tiresome [sententious = pompous moralizing; terse and energetic]
sentiment and passion
serene and quiet
serious and studious
severe and saturnine [saturnine = melancholy or sullen]
shabbiness and vulgarity
shadowy and confused
shame and mortification
shams and hypocrisies
shaped and sculptured
sharp and vigorous
shelter and safeguard
shifts and compromises
shivering and chattering
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 179
shocked and astonished
short and precarious
shreds and tatters
shrewd and diligent
shrill and piercing
shrinking and nervous
shy and subdued
significant and sinister
signs and tokens
silence and obscurity
similarities and resemblances
simple and straightforward
simpletons and nincompoops
sincerity and frankness
sinewy and active
skill and coolness
skulk and shirk
sleek and languid [languid = lacking energy or vitality; weak]
slight and precarious
slipshod and untidy
slothfulness and perversity
slow and sluggish
slumbering and unsuspected
small and hampered
smirched and tarnished
smoothness and artifice
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sneering and sentimental
soberly and truthfully
softness and effeminacy
solemn and dramatic
solitary and idle
solitude and depression
sonorous and musical
sons and scions [scions = descendant or heir]
soporific and sodden [soporific = inducing sleep]
sordid and stupid
sorrow and lamentation
soulless and mindless
sovereign and independent
spacious and lofty
sparkling and spontaneous
spasmodic and hysterical
speedy and inevitable
spicy and pungent
spiritual and invisible
spiteful and sordid
splash and dash
splendor and glory
spontaneity and intensity
sportive and playful
sprightly and vigorous
spur and impulse
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 181
spurious and misleading
squalid and dismal [squalid = wretched, dirty, repulsive]
stare and gasp
stately and ponderous
statesmanship and character
staunch and influential
stay and solace
steadfast and resolute
steadily and patiently
stealthy and hostile
stern and unbending
stiff and cumbersome
stifling and venomous
still and translucent
stimulating and wholesome
stings and stimulants
stir and tumult
stolid and soulless
strain and struggle
strange and incomprehensible
stratagems and plots
strenuous and energetic
strictly and absolutely
strife and contention
striking and picturesque
strong and youthful
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 182
structure and organization
struggles and misgivings
studied and artificial
stunned and insensible
stupor and despair
sturdy and manly
style and temperament
suave and winning
sublime and aspiring
submission and patience
subordinate and dependent
substance and basis
subtle and elusive
suddenness and vehemence
suffering and desperation
suffused and transfigured
suggestions and stimulations
sullen and fierce
summarize and epitomize
sumptuous and aromatic
sunshine and smiles
superb and showy
supercilious and obstinate [supercilious = haughty disdain]
superficial and obvious
superfluous and impertinent
suppressed and restrained
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 183
surmises and suggestions
surprise and wonder
susceptibility and vulnerability
suspense and excitement
suspicion and innuendo [innuendo = indirect derogatory implication]
sustained and measured
sweet and wholesome
swelled and bloated
swift and stealthy
swoop and range
symbolism and imagery
sympathetic and consoling
taciturn and laconic [taciturn = untalkative] [laconic = terse]
tactful and conciliatory
talkative and effusive
tame and insipid
tangible and sufficient
tangled and shapeless
tardy and belated
tartness and contradiction
taste and elegance
tattle and babble
taunt and reproach
tawdry and penurious [tawdry = gaudy, cheap] [penurious = stingy]
tears and lamentations
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 184
tedious and trivial
temperament and taste
temperately and judiciously
tempest and violence
temporal and evanescent [evanescent = vanishing like vapor]
tenacity and coherence
tender and emotional
tense and straining
tentative and experimental
terrible and satanical
testiness and crabbedness
thankfulness and acknowledgment
theories and speculations
thorough and effective
threatening and formidable
thriftless and unenterprising
thrilling and vitalizing
ties and associations
time and opportunity
timid and vacillating
tiresome and laborious
tolerant and kindly
tone and treatment
topics and instances
tormented and tantalized
tortuous and twisted
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 185
tottering and hopeless
touched and thrilled
tractable and gracious
traditions and practises
training and temperament
tranquillity and benevolence
transfuse and irradiate
transitory and temporary
transparent and comprehensible
treacherous and cowardly
tremble and oscillate
trenchant and straightforward [trenchant = effective, and vigorous]
trials and tribulations
tricks and stratagems
trifling and doubtful
trite and commonplace
trivial and ridiculous
troublous and menacing
truisms and trivialities
trust and confidence
truth and righteousness
turbid and noise some
turgid and bombastic [turgid = excessively complex] [bombastic = pompous]
turmoil and shouting
twisted and perverted
type and forerunner
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tyrant and oppressor
unaccountable and grotesque
unaffected and undaunted
unapproached and unapproachable
unassuming and unpretending
unchangeable and enduring
unconsciously and innocently
uncouth and barbarous
unctuous and irresistible [trenchant = insincere earnestness]
undeveloped and ignorant
undignified and futile
uneasiness and apprehension
uneducated and inexperienced
unfamiliar and distant
unfettered and vigorous
unforced and unchecked
unfortunate and unparalleled
unfounded and incredible
ungracious and reluctant
unhappiness and discomfort
unique and original
unity and completeness
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